Met a few disgruntled former NDP supporters
I had parked my camper on the street in an industrial area close to where I was going to pick up a piece of furniture.
After I had loaded the truck, I returned to hook up and go home. Two friendly guys came out to offer help but I said I was good. They owned a small business. There was a group of workers loading stuff in vehicles so I commented that you’re working hard. His reply was that he’s working for F**king Trudeau. Taxes I guess. I introduced him to “The Turd” and “Castro”. They voted for Dogmeat which means they ultimately got The Turd. They are Sikhs. They supported the Trucker’s Convoy and were deeply disappointed in Dogmeat not giving support. I let that name slip by mistake but one said it was okay because he’s a traitor to all of us 🙂
I guess the support for Dogmeat has dipped in their community. He mentioned that he personally told the “Dogmeat” that he would never vote NDP again until he resigned from politics. I believe they have trucking in their blood. Didn’t ask how they will vote next but likely not Liberal or NDP.
Saw more maskers on my trip. It’s not Vancouver. What’s with these people!
After I arrived home and GMG told me that The Turd’s proclamation of a Federal Bank Holiday on Monday for the Queen’s funeral really screwed things up. Our neighbour, a mortgage broker, had a few property closes on Monday and now are delayed and some may be in breech of contract. I’m not up on contract law. She’s pissed and so are her clients. He’s out of touch with the life of the average person. Privileged asshat. Truly a clown show.
Got to meet Highroller in the flesh over coffee on my trip.
The one thing we should always remember is that politicians are generally the least qualified person in any room they walk into. Castro was brought up in a rarefied atmosphere of wealth and power. He would have been helped to succeed in any area of study, and in any area business. With all those advantages he became a part time high school drama teacher; no doubt because of the captive underage girls he could seduce. This is the fool in charge of all government policy. Is there one area of government policy that he has the slightest idea about. Of course not! He’s a part time drama teacher.
Great Stuff Columbia
The best part is the last
It’s always rewarding when Two Tenters actually meet
Way to go guys