From Jeff Childers

Yesterday, replacement governor Kathy Hochul (D-NY) breathlessly announced a huge advance for gay rights, or trans rights, or non-binary rights, or something, when she courageously signed a new law permitting people to put an “X” on their driver’s license under the word “Sex,” instead of “male” or “female.”

New York’s new law represents the cutting edge of advanced woke logic. Which means, no logic at all.

First, what a slap in the face to alphabet people (LGBTQII++). Only one of them got their letter. What about the rest, you bigot? And if you’d bothered to check the letters, you might have noticed ‘X’ isn’t even in there!

Second, “X?” Really? Their “Sex” is now “X” rated. Brilliant. Late night shows are going to get a month’s worth of material out of this. Real geniuses, you got there, New York! Next time they should try to tackle something easier like regulating crayon colors.

Wait! Maybe “X” is a new designation for people working in the smut, I mean porn, oops I mean “adult entertainment” business, in which case, it kind of makes sense. Kind of.

Kathy, get your mind out of the gutter.