About an hour or so ago I did a follow up on the FED Chair announcement. This is how I suggest it be played. You want to front run it, which the markets have already been doing so in a controlled fashion, so far. The smart money has been in gold and silver since September 30th and will continue to buy the dips. The stock market has been able to grind higher while the choice has been delayed up until now. The technicals continue to deteriorate and the market will start dropping, probably the rest of this week but no later than Monday after the announcement is official. Gold and silver could spike this week but again no later than next. If I am correct, everyone will blame it on the “uncertainty” in the change of leadership and all the open positions on the FED board. You can be sure that if it is Brainard, Powell will retire from the FED when his Chairmanship is over in Feb. He probably will wait a few weeks before that leaks out so as not to inflame the markets any more than necessary. Don’t wait until next week to act. If you don’t already have full positions in gold, silver, mining stocks, physical substitutes like CEF and PSLV, etc. finish your buying now. Yesterday’s typical Tuesday takedown was another gift from the market manipulators. Take advantage of it and be thankful. Sell all non precious metals stocks. The few, good value ones, can be bought back after the likely sell off. Next week should provide a lot to be Thankful for in front of turkey day.