Public Sector Cancer
“The origin of our evils is the cancer called the public sector.”
– Javier Milei
That is why there should be NO public sector. Just as each new President brings in a new Cabinet and set of senior executives who depart at the end of the Presidential term, there should be private sector contract employees that get hired for all govt. positions. No unions, no Civil Service(no parasites living off the govt. dole while not showing up for work).
If a new administration keeps the contractor or even if the other party brings in their preferred contractor, that company can choose whether any of the employees should be retained or replaced. Govt. needs to be run like the private sector. They(private sector) aren’t perfect but it is the best system we have. Same thing needs to be done at the state and local level especially in education. No public schools and no teacher unions who act in the best interest of the teachers and NOT the best interest of the students!
Hear, hear, Chartsmaster!!