Two worlds.
Ever since 1971, its been clear that caution would be thrown to the winds via infinite fiat (to paper over rolling crises).
Those who are asset heavy (often matched up via debt) would try to outrun the monster.
Those who are not, would get relentlessly squeezed.
It doesn’t take a genius to see where this ends up, but they have kicked the can for decades now.
The result is more or less binary, and so, once again, it will pit the have mores against the have less.
And the Police States in China, the UK, and around the world via the WEF is their response to this chasm and reactions to it.
The resulting political stress we have been seeing since Occupy is building again, just like it did in Boston at Griffin’s Wharf in 1773.
You might think that there would be rational minds out there SOMEWHERE to head off the catastrophe.
I mean, not even the most wealthy should be thinking optimistically about surviving in some bunker.
It didn’t serve Adolf well as you know.
Then again, show me a leader prepared to take ANY short term pain in the interest of longer term goals.
If you are really seeking reform of government, realigning THESE incentives would be the task at hand.