The banksters used the early overnight stock selloff to take down gold and silver futures, as usual. However, and it is too early to be definitive, both metals are bouncing strongly. This, even as the stock decline intensifies.

The tell will be silver. It fell more percentage wise initially and is now rallying more percentage wise. That is unusual in that in the past when stocks declined sharply and silver was showing relative strength compared to gold, it usually gets capped and then silver tanks as the fear trade flows into gold. That is still a possibility today, if stocks continue to fall.(which I expect)

However, this could be the inflection point where even in the face of a stock selloff that doesn’t bounce back, both gold and silver reverse their declines and scream higher. If that indeed is what takes place, then this is the turn and the environment that we have been waiting for. The top and rollover in equities(and likely crypto) and the next explosive stage in the PM’s bull market. Resistance is futile.