The rape jihad wasn’t hiding in plain sight; it was willfully covered up by Parliament, by Britain and its allies in Europe’s transnational progressive project, and by the American cognoscenti. Talking about it was a surer guarantee of pariah status than participating in it.

And then there’s the why. Why is it a signature sexual abuse that we’re not supposed to talk about? Well, because it’s deeply rooted in Islamic scripture. If you have the temerity to notice that, there looms the risk of admonition that the problem is not the rape jihad but your “Islamophobia.”

“When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the woman’s marriage is immediately annulled.” As Robert Spencer, the founder of the invaluable Jihad Watch, has pointed out, the point of this decree is that such captive women are available for sex slavery. Moreover, the practice of forcing sex on captive women is implicitly permitted in the hadith.