Dr. Leana Wen is once again raising alarms over bird flu, warning that a reported mutation in a Louisiana patient signals a growing threat of the virus spreading to humans.
She says there is an urgency, pointing out that there are already 66 confirmed cases of bird flu in humans, a number she believes is vastly underestimated due to insufficient testing efforts.
There goes that 66 number again.
Dr. Deborah Birx, former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, warns that the U.S. may be on the brink of another pandemic as bird flu and seasonal flu raise serious concerns.
Birx stresses the importance of diagnosing illnesses in children to protect vulnerable groups like grandparents and prevent a potential crisis.
We are witness to a massive MSM psyop designed to elevate Bird Flu Fear to maximum fearmongering status. The launch date for the next pandemic MUST be close at hand! Note also the threat to US Food Supply as the culling of animals continues……..they are REUSING the COVID SCAMDEMIC process to drive more injections into citizen arms!
Recall she is nothing more than a crisis actor. She is getting paid to do this.