pedro belongs to a WNC group with parallel concerns to what we see on the Tent.
from today’s email …

Would love to hear your thoughts on what we the people can do to stop or slow down the global takeover plan. There’s a lot more of us than them.

Thanks H….. Here are my thoughts….

There is truly a battle for the hearts and minds of the people. The Globalists need our cooperation for them to slip in their economic controls. So, as I personally have been doing for 5 years now, we can do what David Icke advised in 2020….. Build Community. In this manner, we can share crucial truths to shed light on their evil plans. Exposure of who they are and their intentions….. and their crimes is our greatest means of putting an end to this. Hopefully, those of us who are still fighting for humanity will be able to bring back the rule of law before we are all handcuffed by their technological systems.

Additionally, we must keep in mind that victory can only come from the ground up. So actively educating and putting pressure on our local governments, our sheriff’s and administrators of all levels is, I believe, one of our greatest tools. An example is where Dr. Makis in Alberta Canada is exposing the provincial health executives for their part in promoting the deadly vaccines, and thus threatening the executives with being responsible for the “murder” of thousands…… Well, I can only imagine that these actions will give administrators pause before they go along with murdering their fellow citizens in the future. In fact, now that so many are dying from the vaccines, many of these jab pushers are either leaving their positions or trying to change their tune, of even repenting in some way for their bad deeds.

I would advise everyone to sign up with Dr. Trozzi and take the time to listen to his “Wins of the Week,” with Ted Kuntz, president of “Vaccine Choice” in Canada. They do a terrific job of highlighting local battles throughout the world, which will show how local politicians, scientists, doctors and citizens are turning the tide in this battle for humanity.

They do it every Sunday… This December 1st episode, below…. talks about some of Trump’s cabinet picks that show great hope for the future.

In my view, the Globalists have no problem with “giving in” on the health front … and “throwing us bones” to make us feel like we are making headway in winning back our freedoms. This is all well and good, and I am looking forward to seeing the progress in this area….. But looking at the chessboard, if they are able to quietly implement their tyrannical security and surveillance measures, digital ID…. etc., all the progress in the other areas won’t add up to a hill of beans. It will mean total enslavement.

I hope we all can see the scale of this battleground. Winning a pawn on the queen’s wing, or even a knight and a bishop won’t help if your opponent has an attack on the king’s wing that leads to checkmate. And since there is only so much that one person can do, I have been devoting my time to exposing this side of the chessboard….. as Catherine Austin Fitts, Ed Dowd, Greg Reese and many others are doing.

One more thing… as Reiner Fuellmich said some years back, “they are hitting us on many fronts.” This is so true. So if exposing the Chem-Trails is your thing…. as is Reinette Senum and Dane Wigington… then I say… “Go for it.” How on earth can we survive if we don’t take this weapon away from them?

So to sum up…. It is a war on many fronts, and it almost takes an eye of a relaxed, fearless philosopher to meditate on it all….. and to make appropriate decisions on how to live one’s life from the simplest actions, like saving the life of a lost insect….. to trying to educate your local leaders. I am happy to say that our mayor is on our mailing list… as are many doctors and courageous nurses. So, search your soul, live each day in righteousness, as you know it to be in your heart…. stay informed, without driving yourself crazy… and continue to inform others…. with love, respect and compassion.
