For the second time, a federal court in Texas has dismissed a whistleblower lawsuit alleging Pfizer and two of its contractors manipulated data and committed other acts of fraud during clinical trials for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in 2020.

In his Aug. 9 ruling, District Judge Michael J. Truncale sided with the U.S. government, ruling the government had demonstrated “good cause” to intervene and dismiss the case. He wrote:

“The Government’s desire to dismiss the case — because of its doubt as to the case’s merits, differing assessment of the Pfizer vaccine data, desire to avoid discovery and litigation obligations, and belief that it should not have to expend resources in a case that is contrary to its public health policy — constitutes good cause to intervene.”


Yet again, the federal government intervenes to ensure that the truth about Covid-19 injections never gets revealed to the citizenry. Their desire to “avoid discovery and litigation obligations” is a drop in the cost bucket compared to the $ Billions wasted on unnecessary PPI and equipment (ie ventilator machines) via non-bid contracts awarded to friends. While millions of souls may have been lost, those that perpetrated this crime became wealthy. The government CANNOT allow to public to figure out what has been done in their name!