Today I decided to sell about 10 % of my Junk Silver Stash. because at 74 Years Old..why the f**k Not ?

These were 1964 Quarters ..90% Silver …feels like REAL MONEY……heavy metal for sure

After researching what these things should go for I called my usual dealer and asked what they would pay

ONE 1964 US Silver Quarter has Silver Melt value today of $5 US Dollars ( let that sink in )…Thats a 2000 % increase over face value !

Which is $7 Canadian

But the dealer said he would pay about $4.50 Canadian per coin…I was shocked and hung up fast…crminal !

I called another local Gold Guy…He was a little better but only a little He said he would pay 80% of the melt value but that 10% of a melted coin’s silver is not recoverable so he would pay 80% of 90% of the melt value…about 75% in total = $5.50 Canadian

I called another dealer in Toronto and Voila…They pay 95% of the melt value…which turned out to be $6.60 Canadian per coin….

I hate the City but I took the trip to downtown Trawanna and I sold just before the price dropped ( first time ever I got that lucky).

So the point is…when it comes to SELLING junk silver it really pays to shop around !

These guys actually blew me away !

I walked in…The Guy took a breif glance at a couple of them ..then weighed the coins… … 27 pounds…did the calculations…Paid me in Cash. Bam !

NO ID requested…thank you very much…Total annonymity

I’m not posting the Dealers name but they are a huge operation and have been there for decades

Damn..what a great experience


Quick calculation

in 1964 the price of a gallon of gas in the USA was 30 cents ( 1.2 Kennedy Quarters)…Today it is 3.50 (14 new quarters)

So in 1964 you could buy 5 gallons with six quarters ..Today you need 70 Quarters for 5 Gallons

Thats amazing enough BUT :

If you used 1964 Quarters Today… Hypothetically you could buy 5 gallons of gas today ( $17.50 at todays price ) with 4 of them ( $20 melt value) and get enough change to buy a large coffee …to boot . 1 DOLLAR FACE VALUE IN 1964 QUARTERS BUYS 5 GALLONS OF GAS AND A COFFEE !

Let THAT sink in !

I think I’ll try that and see what happens … 🙂