The Biden administration pressured the FDA to “change its procedures, cut corners, and lower agency standards,” to approve Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines and authorize boosters, according to a congressional report released earlier this week.

The Biden administration pressured the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to “change its procedures, cut corners, and lower agency standards,” to approve Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines and authorize boosters, according to a congressional report released earlier this week.

The approval was key to facilitating the Biden administration’s rollout of the fall 2021 vaccine mandates, despite safety concerns about the shots, according to the report.


Politics, Private Interests, and the Biden Administration’s Deviation from Agency Regulations in the COVID-19 Pandemic


Yet despite their lack of effectiveness and inability to stop transmission as well as the ALREADY KNOWN history of injection injuries and death, TPTB continue to recommend/mandate MORE & MORE of these unsafe injections! These gene modification injections will surely become properly classified as bioweapons and we are witness to massive crimes agains’t humanity underway!