As I have repeatedly stated here in response to those who have talked and displayed charts of the dollar index rising, as being a reason why gold was declinning, it was total nonsense. It only mattered on a daily basis IF that was the day you were making a purchase of gold. Otherwise the DXY is just a distraction meant to keep you from switching your worthless fiat for real money, gold. The author of the following article clearly proves that. “IRRELEVANT WHICH CURRENCY WINS THE RACE TO THE BOTTOM
As the whole currency system is about to implode, it is in my view totally irrelevant where the US dollar is heading short term measured against other fiat currencies.

The dilemma is that most “experts” use the Dollar Index (DXY) as the measure of the dollar’s strength or weakness. This is like climbing the ladder of success only to find out that the ladder is leaning against the wrong building.

To measure the dollar against its partners in crime (the other fiat currencies) misses the point as they are all on the way to perdition.

So the dollar index measures the dollar against six fiat currencies: Euro, Pound, Yen, Canadian Dollar, Swedish Kroner and Swiss Franc. The Chinese Yuan shines in its absence even though China is the second biggest economy in the world.

But here is the crux. The dollar is in a race to the bottom with 6 other currencies.

Since Nixon closed the gold window in 1971 all 7 currencies, including the US dollar, have declined 97-99% in real terms.”