Jeff Childers Sunday Post is usually for members Only …BUT he has opened it up to all because of Jone’s Prediction going viral.

Must read

In Greek mythology, Eris was the goddess of strife, discord, and chaos. I am not making that up

NBC anchor Annie Thompson ended the segment looking straight into the camera and enthusiastically hawking Moderna’s new and improved bivalent booster shots:

“So until the new covid booster comes, get prepared. Stock up on at-home tests — they do cover that new strain — keep a mask handy in case you’re in a crowded place, and most of all, get your shots: covid, flu, and RSV, all by Halloween, to give yourself your best chance to stay healthy.”


I for one am looking forward to THIS…

Lets see how many comply with the “New” Vaccines and the Masks and the Lockdowns !!!

I am very optomistic that it will be less than half…likely a LOT less this time !

Fool Me Once …..@#$%UII