From JC

Here we go again! From the UK Mirror yesterday:

Haha, what was a regular feature of the pandemic media fear campaign, the Mirror slipped the word “worry” in there, if only in the sub-headline. Not just the emergence of a new strain, but the worrying emergence of a new strain. But … worrying to whom?

The gist was that, totally predictably, they’ve identified another “new” Omicron variant, B.6, and the white-coated pretenders are hysterically speculating that, who knows, this one could finally be the one. Here’s an example of the Mirror’s cutting-edge reporting:

Warning that people should start wearing facemasks to stop the spread, Dr Trisha Greenhalgh, a primary healthcare expert at the University of Oxford, wrote on Twitter: “My various science WhatsApp groups are buzzing. Genetic lineage clips and diagrams flying back and forth. I understand little of the detail but it looks like it’s once again time to MASK UP.”

WhatApp groups! Not those! Dr. Greenhalgh admitted to understanding “little of the detail,” but WHO CARES! It’s Science! One thing she definitely understands, and is not baffled at all, is that everybody should strap on the face rags to “stop the spread.” Uh huh.

Not me, kimosabe. I plan to remain face nude.

? Reading yesterday’s headlines, it’s hard to escape the impression that the British are under psychological attack from their own government again. The British National Health Service, sort of like the U.S. CDC and FDA, is launching a new population-level gaslighting campaign, I mean a helpful new health campaign to, randomly, teach people about heart attacks.

Apparently, for some reason, heart attacks are “up by more than 7,000 compared to the previous year.” Weird:

According to the NHS, people were hiding their heart attacks last year. Because covid.

On the other hand, overlooking all the gaslighting, I suppose preparing Brits for signs of heart attacks is actually a good idea, since, well, you know