Blazing Reader,

Last month, I promised to run a draw, awarding the winner a signed, hardcover copy of Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story. To participate, all one had to do was sign up for the free viewing of The End of COVID. I thought the best way to choose the winner would be to pull out three of my long-neglected, ten-sided Dungeons and Dragons dice and give them a toss. The combined result was 097.

97th on the list of attendees was Max from Missouri (who recently fled Oregon due to the COVID restrictions). Better known as Max9Nine, he broadcasts dissident videos a couple times a week, making bold proclamations such as:

“The greatest enemy to our nation is not a tyrannical government, but your own countrymen, who gain comfort in allowing that government to make decisions for them. By complying with unjust laws they legitimize those laws. By voting they uphold traitors.

You can check out Max9Nine’s video channel over at

Stay sane and read great books,
John C. A. Manley