To continue a bit to CM’s post yesterday, I agree with most that FIAT isn’t dead anytime soon.  The closest it will get to “dying” is the transition to CBDC.  But I think people are lost on what a CBDC actually is, in comparison to traditional FIAT.  Simply, CBDC puts serial numbers back into transactions, which is what the banks and government lost when we slowly moved to digital dollars from hard cash dollars.

What does this really mean? It just means there are far better means for tracking “cashflows” and where “dollars” exist than they can today with the systems they cobbled together as the internet slowly evolved cash transactions to digital.  They just see an opportunity to reset, in a way, how money is transacted and tracked, to how it is today.

None of this is me saying I am on board with this, I think this goes against all of the foundations of our westernized countries. BUT, I really don’t think there is a nefarious group behind the scenes orchestrating this big transition. There are likely several powerful people looking to sway policies and governance to suit their financial wealth, but not some closed door society.

Over the years in my line of work I have dealt with people high in federal government positions, and by no means are those, in those roles, masterminding anything, at all.