From J C

Fox ran another child de-transitioner’s story yesterday, and like the others, it will tug at your heart’s strings.

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Kobe said he had always felt effeminate but didn’t to be gay. So at age 11, the young man informed his shocked parents that he was transgender. Nothing happened for a couple years, but then when he was 13, Kobe said, older trans people he met online secretly taught him (and other kids) how to “play the suicide card” on his parents to get them to agree to his hormone treatments.

Kobe explained:

“I started using, like, ‘the suicide tactics,’ because that’s what they are. That’s what they tell us all to do… I don’t want to use the word groom, but we are like taught. I guess the older transpeople teach us to say that stuff to get the health care and everything. And I mean, there were times when I thought I was genuinely suicidal over gender dysphoria, but I think it was all just stuff that was in my head. I don’t think I would have ever been suicidal about being biologically male if I had never been exposed to that stuff.”

He should’ve gone ahead and used the word, “groom.”

Faced with his threats of self-harm, Kobe’s parents reluctantly agreed he could start taking puberty blockers at 13. By his sixteenth birthday, Kobe was taking estrogen. Later he began preparatory bottom surgery by having his testicles removed, which also stopped his body from producing testosterone.

“I was expecting it to help me with my mental health, but it didn’t do anything. I just wasted so much time and all I did really was become a medical patient for life,” Kobe explained. Now the young man says he must be regularly tested for osteoporosis. He now has chronic spinal pain, his growth is “permanently stunted,” he has lost most sexual sensation, he is infertile, has constant brain fog that causes him to often lose his train of thought in the middle of a sentence, and has permanent difficulty urinating.

The young man said the “affirming” treatments never actually improved his mental health. Just the opposite; they made him worse: psychotic and depressed to the point of actual suicide. And the trans ideology completely overtook his life to the exclusion of anything else that might have been good or worthwhile. Kobe explained that during “the time I lived as trans, I had no hobbies or interests, I had nothing really. It was just becoming this caricature of a woman and everything that’s based around that.”

I’d like to modestly propose that any doctor providing children ‘safe and effective’ affirming treatments should be first required to undergo the exact same treatments themselves. I mean, it’s important that the doctors can relate to what the children are going through. Since all these treatments are — allegedly — reversible, the doctors can also have the reverse treatment later, to be consistent with whatever they think their gender is.

Who’s with me?