The Anti-Vax Community was Bamboozled

From Our Good Friend Jon Manley ( Much Ado About corona)

Blazing Reader,

“They invented the lab created or ‘engineered virus’ story to give the anti-vax community something to get excited about [thinking] ‘they caught the bad guys red-handed,'” says Dr. Tom Cowan, MD in the documentary Terrain.

“The bad guys are smarter than that and suckered them into promoting the, ‘Oh my God, there is a dangerous engineered virus circulating.’ [It] keeps the virus story going and scares people even worse. They are grand masters in chess. Most people [are] either playing checkers or don’t even know there is a game.”

From the beginning, I thought the “gain of function” story was a work of fiction. To find out why, you can get free and immediate access to the film Terrain by signing up for the forthcoming End of COVID Summit.

Stay sane & keep an open mind,
John C. A. Manley