Luongo posted his Commentary in an audio format only so I cant give you a link.

A Usual his commentary on the Wagner and related situations is spellbinding

I am going to try to summarize here

Putin is a Master Chess Player , Luongo absolutely beleives he masterminded the whole event

Putin has beat the West many times recently , He has Prevented 6 out of 7 Coups they have attempted in
former Soviet block Countries in the last few years…most recently Kasakhstan. The only one they got was Romania ( but the puppet there has been largely neutered)

Luongo absolutely believes Putin was in control the whole time.

The Ultimate goal was to position Wagner on the Belarus border ( 100 miles from Kiev )

This he has seamlessly achieved.

NOTE the “Insurection” stopped on the road to Moskow precicely at the Junction of the main road to Belarus…Wagner just had to make a left turn and off they went

Also Belarus has Nukes now .

The reason they need a strong “Offensive” force in Belarus is to counter the recent Plan lead by the UK Neocons who are directing Ukraine to use UK Missles and Drones to attack Crimea …seriously attack their bridges and infrastructure…so the tacit game is IF you hit Crimea We unleash Wagner ( sans Pergoshin) on Kiev …covered by our best Missles including the potential Nukes.

Also there is an oposition army in Belarus capable of trying a Coup agains Lukashenko that needs to be nutralized

Luongo believes that Pergoshin actually was preparing this insurection for months. thats why he kept asking for more amo ( he was stockpiling it for this event) Luongo is NOT sure if Pergosin was Putin Friendly OR NOT…he leans NOT…He feels Pergosin is a Russian Patriot in his own mind and he was doing whatt was best for his country as he really believes the Military is corrupt and inept .

the 6.2 Billion accounting error recently reported was offered to Pergosin to entice him to destabilize Russia ( Putin) and He was told he has the support of many in the Kremlin and Many in the Military…BUT it turned out he had NO such support…NONE…so he was forced to make his “deal” . Some say his family was to be executed if he did not agree…thats why the deal went down so fast. Also most of his “Army” didn’t know the plan…they thought they were just being redeployed at first and also NONE of the Officers were on board .

Now comes the More interesting Analysis

NATO is desperate to have some positive news before their Big meeting July this Plan had to go forward NOW.

Here is the deal with NATO according to Tom

the Head of NATO is up for grabs .
Presently it is Stoltenberg
Stoltenberg represents European Interests….
He is supported by Most Euro Leaders..particularly Macron and Sholtz
He has stated NATO will not be entering the War In Ukraine under ANY circumstances

The UK has their own Faction of Neocons and they are the Biggest Hawks out there in conjunction with Biden and the US neocons ( Lindsey Graham , Nuland etc)…This faction supports installing Ben Wallace the UK Minister of Defence …who strogly supports NATO involvement in the WAR !

IF the US supports him…he’s IN…BUT The US recently came out saying NO to Wallace appointment as Head of NATO

Luongo claims this is the Pentagon finally taking the upper hand and saying NO to Biden and friends.

And this is why we are seing the Military controlled faction of the media turn on Biden !

The UK MI6 are freaking out apparently…as are the US neocons…They needed this Pergosin Expodition to cause havoc in Russia.

Putin controlled the whole thing ( Tom is not sure if Prigosin was IN on it or just used by Putin) but the result is the same. Pergosin is NOT leading Wagner in Belarus ..but the Contingent will be recruiting from other parts of the world apparently

Note that today a retired UK NATO Chief came out today freaking out about Wagner in Belarus

Ha !

PS Tom didnt say it but from Simplicius Analysis of the Nuclear Power Plant situation It seems MORE likey these Deranged Neocons will have to try that angle as a last gasp to force NATO into the Conflict

IF so I can see Putin havng called Macron and Sholtz to say there is NO way Russia would do this…so they KNOW !