Most COVID-19 Deaths May Be The Result of a Completely Different Infection
Remember the Cytokine Storm Theory…NOPE…Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia …UNTREATED …No Amoxicillin for you…Because…VIRUS !
I have told the story of having pneumonia symptoms in Nov 2019…went to the hospital but it was so busy I just went home and took some Amox and was literally better the next morning.
They withheld early treatment ! They denied Antibiotics in lieu of ventilators and useless anti virals.
I think I got Lucky !
Weird! You want to hear something crazy Fully? I was hospitalized in Novemeber 2019 with a serious breathing problem same as you. It came right out of the blue. And the sons of bitches in the hospital would not give me antibiotics either. Instead they had me on oxygen and nebulizers with steroids. I complained because I was coughing up obviously infected material. Like green and yellow gunk. So it clearly needed antibiotics. This whole program was going on already well before the world heard about a Wuhan viral pandemic. Anyway I checked myself out of the hospital, bought a pack of cigarettes and was better almost the same day!!! Go figure….smoking cured me. What in hell can explain that!!!
Nicotine is an anti viral. So nicotine patches or gum would have been a good treatment. But they wanted deaths.
The SARS Cov2 was circulating in April 2019, a year before it became a thing.
Most had already got it, and had immunity.
But did you know back then SARS Cov2 was circulating? I didn’t. I am only reflecting back now after more than 4 years and thinking out loud. But my symptoms then were the same as the virus and my health came under severe attack. Truthfully, I nearly died. It was really a close call and I do not know why I survived. Especially after leaving the hospital against Doctor orders. The thing was I knew I was getting worse under care which is why I left. Anyway I am not so sure about a virus Spock since we know now there are no viruses. As Fully has posted it was bacterial and treatable with the one thing they were not giving which was antibiotics. And the cigarettes certainly helped a lot!
WOW…FARMER…Cigatettes ?
You were sick with a lung infection and cured it with cigarettes ?
Thats quite a risk and quite a reward.
Ha !!