Beaufort Gyre
“The discussed mechanism is believed, by many, to be the ice age trigger, and a newly published scientific paper only adds further support. Entitled, “Evidence for extreme export of Arctic sea ice leading the abrupt onset of the Little Ice Age“, the new study combines marine sediment cores drilled from the Arctic Ocean to the North Atlantic. These records reveal that an abrupt increase in Arctic sea ice and cold freshwater exported to the North Atlantic starting around 1300, peaking in mid-century, and ending abruptly in the late 1300s. Crucially, the paper concludes that external forcing from volcanoes or any other cause may not be necessary for large swings in climate to occur — a previously widely held assumption: ”
starts half way down today’s column.
Thanks, pedro-d. Your post is both interesting and informative.
During the 1950s and 1960s when I was a school boy the buzzword was “the ice age cometh.”
Now we know the climate on our planet changes, sometimes abruptly (on a geologic time scale)
Some readers may be familiar with Snowball Earth, some 600 or 700 million years ago when the Earth was frozen from pole to pole. And there is evidence that northern regions, Canada for example, were once tropical jungle.
Just watch Europe and all northern hemisphere next winter. Add to that: gas prices, inflation, food shortages, no jobs, crashing economies/markets and so on.