K2 has been sending me Anti Fluoride articles…well now they are going mainstream
Damn Dentists have been trying to kill kids for Decades…Finally Exposed !!
K2 has been sending me Anti Fluoride articles…well now they are going mainstream
Damn Dentists have been trying to kill kids for Decades…Finally Exposed !!
RFK on the right side again!
Seriously? Did these lunatics behind this plot think of everything? This is a reminder to take care with every medical procedure you might face. For example, what are the effects on the brain of a person who was injected with metalic particles that now reside in the brain when they get a CAT scan or MRI? Has anyone heard that ultrasound can damage the fetus or put preganant mothers at risk? What about those “harmless ” dyes that get injected into us before getting radiography? Are X-rays really as safe as the medical community keeps insisting.
Can anything uttered by Doctors or technicians be trusted anymore????
Patients beware. The medical community wants us dead. They will use tests to achieve the goal.
Very true, Farmer. Luckily I have been healthy all my life, yet I kick myself when I think of the trust I previously placed in doctors and their chief of staff, big pharma. Never again!
Ditto to that Strider. I have taken an entirely new approach to medicine as this medical system attack has evolved. I will not take any medical intervention that is not absolutely necessary. Zero medications for starters. Not even an aspirin. My approach is to treat myself naturally as much as possible. We are designed to heal. Our bodies are a miracle if we don’t abuse them by overeating, smoking and drinking. Frankly, knowing what we know now…the tests themselves are terrifying to me. My trust is at rock bottom zero.
These damn fool doctors seem to believe life, for them, will proceed as it always has. How dull they are! One third of the people feel lucky, yet vindicated, that they chose not to listen to them. One third are resentful, having listened to them, and one third are their ever more demanding patients, with their ever increasing ailments, said ailments being a constant reminder of their inadequacy as doctors.
One day there will be a backlash. Can you sense it growing? Its about everything bad being shoved down our throats on a daily basis lately. If there are not Doctors and Pharmacists deliberately harming us to line their own pockets with extra cash then its that whole Woke lunatic camp trying to turn us all Queer. Or a whole industry dedicated to destroying our children and ripPING babies out of the womb. Satanists! Sorry, I am not gay and I am not going along with that bullshit. But its not just me. All of society is slowly waking up and you can already feel the pendulum swinging back the other way.
anes the tic
So, How to deal with this at a dentist? Or … What to do when in need of a serious bodily operation?
Mabe this? NEED TO KNOW!
Anybody else has suggestions?
All I can say is I have been injecting Local Anaesthetics for almost 50 years and have never head of any problems reported from any of the thousands and thousands of patients …with the exception of occasional parathesia ( numbness ) from a direct needle hit on a nerve ( very rare thankfully)
I believe this is Bogus ! Even graphene in the Vaxx is a suspect finding. Dr Ryan Cole examined it under electron microscope and what they were calling Graphine was NOT….You can find it on the sidebar
Regarding Fluoride …I remember in dental school…first year…They brought a large group of us to the Toronto City Council where they were debating putting Fl in the watter supply. There was an Anti lobby there and they wanted a Pro lobby presence. So they fed us Bullshhit about all the studies that said Fl un the water prevents cavities in kids. They were like religious zealots about this …it was a very agry bunch on both sides..we first year students didnt know anything of course but we were brainwashed. I later started to question WHY put Fl in the water supply
It does zero good for teeth when you take a drink…it just fleetingly contacts them and then you injest it and it goes systemic …made no sense to me. Fl does harden enamel….but imo only topically…ie …painted on by a hygienist in a viscous liquid and left on for a minute then swish and spit..once a year .
Bathing and drinking fluoridated water is a stupid idea at best and a nefarious plot at worst .
Most Municipal water is heavily contaminated with chemicals to prevent this and that.
As soon as I could, we moved to a rural property away from contaminants that had a very deep well. The water report was very favourable except for a slightly higher Fe and S content which was considered acceptable and could be filtered.
We had an urban apartment as a transition until we moved to BC. The water was heavily dosed and drinking it or taking a hot shower was an unpleasant experience after experiencing untreated well water for many years.
Fully we were brainwashed at Dental school regarding systemic Fluoride in the drinking water. Sure Fluoride topically strengthens enamel but what was the effect on the other organs and the brain. Crickets.
For the first few years of practice, I would routinely give patients the tray delivery method. The hygienists would load the tray with the amount they thought was necessary. Most kids swallowed a good portion even with evacuation. Some were sick in the chair and some at home, I’m sure. We stopped the tray delivery and went to a rinse, hold and spit method.
Expressly warned not to swallow. Eventually we slowly moved away from Fluoride altogether and recommend a flouridated toothpaste of their choice but to spit it all out after brushing. If someone wanted fluoride at their hygiene appt we didn’t charge for it as we told them we were’t in favour. It was their choice alone. Fluoride should be exposed for the hidden damage it can cause.
It was the elimination of sugar in the diet that had the most effect. Pop and other high sugar content snacks caused the most decay over time.
I can remember all the candy I ate between meals as a child that my parents never knew. Mostly funded by pop bottle returns found thrown in vacant lots and such. Wish I knew then what I know now.