CM –> In Cleveland and beyond researchers begin to unravel the mystery of long COVID-19
This article seems written specifically for the benefit of the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless it is addressing the question you asked earlier in the week and you “might” find something useful within same.
We do know that, early in the COVID crisis, scientists discovered that an AIDS virus sequence had been woven into the COVID DNA structure although the entire gene sequence of COVID has never been unravelled. It is possible therefore that LONG COVID could be a result of a “new” type of HIV outbreak and would be in keeping with the theory that COVID is a military bio-weapon.
I can see this article being useful to big pharma when “managing” information to key gov’t agencies / decision makers from an “independent” source. As is their claim that “vaccinated” are better protected agains’t LONG COVID (while totally ignoring the toxicity of the spike protein). Again very useful to big pharma.
Thanks, K2