All of us have accumulated knowledge through books, meeting people or through an educational program that taught practical life experiences.

I’m looking back at the books that impacted my life.
It may be useful for others to suggest a few books that changed the way they look at life that others may enjoy.

I’ll start, in no particular order as some of these were read when I was a teenager.

When Money Dies by Adam Fergusson
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie
Turtles all the way down by Anonymous authors

One can check out online reviews to see if they interest you.

The first three were read when I was a teenager. A Holocaust survivor gave me a dog-eared paperback, “How to win friends and influence people” around 1973 when I was hired to paint the upstair rooms in his strip club with my brother. He was the nicest man you could meet. Terrible health. Was about 40 at the time. One day I asked him about his tattoo on his forearm. I heard his whole story. The last member of this family, came to Canada as a young man around the early 50’s all alone and with nothing. No education. He spoke German so he came to Waterloo County, ON where German was the second language. Many of my childhood friends fathers had been in the German army or grew up in Nazi Germany. I wonder how he coped with that. I believe it must have been tough to be Jewish in our city at that time. He was now an atheist.

He was a voracious reader of self improvement books and had an intense desire to do well. He must have noticed that I was a quiet individual and took an interest in me. He knew I had attention to detail and encouraged me to go as far as I could in a profession. I told him I was interested in Dentistry and he told me to never give up and go for it. Gave me the book and told me to learn about people.

I lost touch with him and heard he had passed at a young age. Likely from his poor treatment at the camp. I still have the book which is falling apart now. I read a revised version from the library about 10 years ago and some of the stories had been updated. I liked the older version better.