Africa Is Starkly Unvaccinated, And Starkly Unvanquished By COVID
This is not the first piece of evidence that Africa is leading the world away from a microbial-pretext tyranny…
Or will ethnocentrism or a hostile and racist pride, or the sheer greed stimulated by the lucrative COVIDmania boondoggle, prevent the rest of the world’s willingness to learn from the African experience? Will such provincial and purchased attitudes bury the 21st century’s most important lesson to date?
I was going to post this and was writing up my intro, so instead of reposting I will put my comments here in the comments section. We at the Tent like to think of ourselves as part of the Control Group, and we are, since a good portion of us are unvaxed. Africa serves as the Control Continent. Not only are they much less affected by Covid, because many take HCQ to prevent and treat malaria, and they also largely shunned the vaccines. This shows the vaccines not only didn’t work to prevent or even lessen Covid, but as the statistics will eventually show, the vaccines ARE what is causing the huge spike in sudden death across the spectrum of age groups. I am waiting for some moron to propose that it is the warmer climate that lessened the incidence of Covid deaths and also provided a better environment for good heart health. How will the global warming crowd react to that?
Good points CM
South America is Warm too and they were hit HARD
Don’t forget the or President John Magufuli of Tanzania making fun of covid by revealing that fruit and other items (pet rocks) tested positive for covid. Before he was exterminated a year later.
[May 19, 2020 — Magufuli caused alarm by branding lab tests a ‘dirty game’ and hailing natural remedies. Now he is calling for country to open up.]
Maybe word got around. Maybe Africa was simply too poor for governments there to pony up. The Cabal overlooked the potential for a control group, so they didn’t push it. Or way too difficult to keep the vials at -70 without reliable power (Haiti too?).
It would be interesting to get African attitudes on covid AND the vax. Were they really smart, or just “left for dead” by the WHO and who all else?