now at 214
Adjourn til 10PM ET. CTH says a few Dems likely to be absent, so passage threshold would fall and 214 would be sufficient.
Adjourn til 10PM ET. CTH says a few Dems likely to be absent, so passage threshold would fall and 214 would be sufficient.
Just called my congressman’s office and read the riot act – Byron Donalds, one of the “switchers.” Told him instead of voting for McCarthy they should throw the bum out on his ass. Nothing but RINO swamp-loving traitor – never did a thing for this country or its people. Expected more of Byron, seriously disappointed and considering an alternative to vote for in the future.
Said my “thank you and good-bye.”
I hate all these fuckers in D.C. What the hell do they think they are doing?? Assembling chairs on the Titanic? Such incredibly evil, rotten scum.
ALL theatre and so is Fox News..
thoroughly rotted…
rot turns into dust
only option is to call a spade a spade up close & personal
find an attorney & threaten em
in other words….