WHAT IF……….an interesting theory….one that has not been discussed in any previous article that I know of…
Not saying it’s correct ….. rather it’s interesting………….from The Burning Platform
I realize in your comment you are just throwing this out there without making any judgement about it, so I will. Can anyone refute with actual eveidence that this isn’t the case? Whether by grand design or just the result of government policies over time, the author has nailed the description of governments and how they treat those they govern.
Way too many moving parts to the case. Keep it simple, the truth is likely just under the outer layer of the onion and not 10 layers under.
“Let’s put it all out on the table and admit one thing; there are no governments left on Earth that actually represent or care for the people who live in the countries they administer. There is only a steadily encroaching despotism that reaches into every level of human life, every institution and establishment. Governments exist for the benefit of those who manage them and inhabit the halls of Power. What we have witnessed over the past decades, and especially these last three years, is the curtain at the back of the room being pulled back to show the brick wall, to paraphrase Zappa. You’ll own nothing and be happy isn’t just a quote from Klaus Schwab and his minions, it is the playbook of every single bureaucracy ever established, at every level down to the local villages and towns.” Don’t see anything complicated about the above paragragh. I believed the author is spot on.