Netherlands wants to ban parties that undermine the “democratic order”
Dutch government has published a new bill that allows political parties to be banned if they undermine the democratic rule of law or want to get rid of it altogether. This was announced by the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Affairs Hanke Braines Slot.
i am from the netherlands.. its right.. they want to ban politican partys.. beceause they tell the truth.. and they hate the truth 🙁
Hey, K2. They can hate the truth as much as they want, but they are fragile in its presence. As long as we keep bringing it, they will be weakened by it. Democratic order, indeed! These people spend every waking moment trying to deny the voice of the people.
I am amazed at the speed with which corruption has shifted from “behind the scenes” to “in your face” throughout the developed world!
It’s incredible! My theory is that since they control the official modes of communication – the main media sources, and social media – they think they control information itself. What fools! They believe themselves to be masters of this new age of information, yet they don’t understand its most basic premise. The digital age has freed information from the constraints of gate keepers!
WTF? There is nothing democratic about banning political parties. That is not how the democratic process works. If the majority for example, want to vote for the Banana party then the Banana party would lead the new government. What this Dutch government is trying to impose is a franchise for existing parties and in particular their own party. They are trying to create the conditions that will prevent the public from ever throwing them out thus assuring their status in perpetuity. They would only be doing this if public opposition to their policies was so severe as to draw them to conclude a new political force was about to rise than might sweep away the corruption of the past. The electorate may be close to a decision to throw them out in other words. So they are using their power as law makers to write laws that will prevent that from ever happening. That is not a legitimate use of power though. The Dutch must object strenuously against these schemes that are clearly intended to deprive them of one of their most valuable rights. That is, the right to decide who will be their chosen leaders.
Exactly!. In essence, they are declaring war on their own people. This breakdown in democratic governance, which is enveloping the entire west, will be won or lost by the police and military forces of individual countries. If they chose wrong, chaos will erupt soon enough. In my mind, it’s an open question.
I agree Strider. The risk here is that the conditions are being set up now such that the only alternative for the people is an actual revolution at some unknown date in th future. How else can you remove a corrupt or illegitimate government that cannot be voted out of power? Its very worrisome but this seems to be part of the overall plan being directed from above (no I don’t mean heaven! LOL).
I’m Canadian. I watched police forces on horseback charge into peaceful demonstrators in The Trucker’s protest. They acted in the finest Nazi tradition. Before that moment I wouldn’t have believed it possible, and yet there they were, horse stomping a lady using a walker! The look on that cop’s face is indelibly printed on my mind.
Perfect example is the current efforts by the TUrd to ban hunting rifles in Canada. This would enable a heavily armed UN Military force to overwhelm the Canadian citizenry thus encountering only minimal resistance as national sovereignty is removed and DAVOS elite objectives imposed!
They are simply copying Zelenskyy, the West’s spiritual leader. (Tucker recently laid into him by outlining every anti democratic measure he’s taken.)
Brandon has already declared half of the American public to be “anti democratic” because of their America First platform.
Would not be surprised to see Ahern or Turdeaux implement the same.
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@freedom1988_and @AZgeopolitics
Forum voor Democratie / PVV banned….. We are beginning to look like Ukraine….