Why American Women Are Undatable
Thanks Farmer and Plunger and pedro and Nightingale and Kewl2 and Columbia everyone who joined in
No One Wants to Play with a Porcupine
“I don’t even want to go on any dates anymore. They just feel like a chore.” I heard this from my twenty-four-year-old male patient this week. I hear it frequently from men everywhere. I hear it in bars, at professional conferences, over coffee at lunch. I hear it because American women have become undatable.
American women today suffer from a combination of emotional and characterologic pathology that renders them unfit to be romantic partners to men
On the emotional side, they are angry, anxious, and dysregulated. Men find them exhausting and not at all fun to be around. In addition to their unpleasant emotions, men must also contend with their toxic personality traits: narcissism, ingratitude, and an overbearing and judgmental attitude that appears to be constant. American women approach dating as a fact and fault-finding mission, with a degree of arrogance that can only come from a profound absence of self-awareness. They have no idea what their role is in the encounter or how to properly support the man who is leading the date. They act as saboteurs rather than facilitators. Most men have tired of this.
Donovan explains that to find a woman desirable, a man requires nothing more than for her to be pretty, carefree, and charming. Today’s American women cannot even meet that expectation.
The typical American woman today projects limitless entitlement, ruthless competitiveness, and advanced emotional incontinence that makes it all but impossible for a man to tolerate her, much less enjoy her company
Yes the offshore candidate is far superior. Especially eastern europe
Not just American women. Its most European women too…..and Canadians and Australian and Newzies. Wherever womens “liberation” movements made landfall its the same story. Traditional roles went out the window, the ladies went to work and tried taking on male roles and family life broke down. No more multigenerational family units. Birthrates crashed. Divorce took a rocket ride and animosity between the sexes grew so extreme that men and women cannot even cohabit any longer, let alone produce productive families for the future. It is the most toxic and cursed relationship environment in history. All driven by brainwasing. Yet women themselves fail to see through it. There is no hope but to marry traditional women from overseas and leave our own ladies to become the lonely, bitter spinstresses they so richly deserve to become.
Indeed, all correct, and this is why I specified “Eastern” Europe, Russian too.
Oh sorry! I was not criticizing your preference Plunger. LOL. Yes the Easter gals are pretty nice. There is sure nothing wrong with traditional values and roles. Its worked well for thousands of years. Right up until the emotional mechanics got involved and tried tearing it all down before fixing things in their own twisted image. Feminism has been an abject failure and curse on our society. Both men and women have suffered because of it. The disruption has been so socially severe that the fall of Rome comes to mind when trying to find comparables.
There is one bright spot Plunger. This too is a cycle. And it seems it has reached its extreme in places like North America and Japan. That means the pendulum will start swinging back the other direction soon enough. But what will be the trigger event? Historically its been a big ugly war that kills off large numbers of the most elegible men and brings sense back to the importance of roles in relationships. Is that coming for us too?
Catalyst for positive change would be the collapse of the USD. But would be extremely painful for all.
Interesting topic. I agree with all comments here above. And indeed Feminism probably started the curse. Amsterdam/Netherlands also terrible. Most girls are snobs and even I am pretty if I say so. And here in Brazil is the same. I cannot speak for the rest of South America. Referring to Plunger … indeed Ukraine and Russia have beautiful girls with indeed family values. They even educate women like that. I know as I have had a Ukraine girlfriend before.
I can only imagine that the next trigger for the pendulum is being a PU REBL O OD . . . will become highly desirable.
And having viable sperm…..
Maybe Africa
Oke, Farmer … lets GO
My guess is that any women reading this have parallel gripes.
Can’t hold a job, priorities are little more than beer, sports and video games. Half still living at home. And expecting their GF’s to resemble their favorite porn stars.
Ie, its a dynamic that’s badly broken at both ends.
Curiously, when traveling down in OZ back around 1990 I saw this already in full swing. Long conversations about it while in Byron, where the guys were all at the bars by 2pm on weekdays drinking VBs. The women were cohousing so that they could share the childcare efforts, while drawing their gov single parent benefits. The fathers were deemed “useless.”
So Cool… as in Byron Bay. I went there 3 years ago and had so much fun there. Just a great beach town
I was ready to quit my job and stay there but for the impossible immigration limits if you weren’t commonwealth or loaded.
In November of 1990 I camped in a VW bus at the beach park in BB for three weeks surfing. I found numerous European women with kids (oz fathers) in the car parks collecting government payouts. No other use for the men. I clearly recall how “hip” it was for the yuppies to be able to trace their family linage back to prison ships from England.
Feminism started the curse and we ended up with some LBTQ-alfabetsoup of sissies & pussies referring to being sexless pronounces who believe Wokeism as the New Religion only to bankrupt not ones wallet by investing in clean energy (hahaha) but bankrupting ones’ believe system, ethics and moral values aswell. How they fooled themselves is beyond . . . Must be have been planned ahead. How else?
Absolutely it was the plan. Don’t they say so in the writings? Breakdown the family unit, separate children from parents, turn up the volume on the worship of money, confuse sexual identity, drive a wedge between people and spiritualism and come out with a Godless crop of selfish humans who generally despise one each other, live alone with a cat and have no value system remaining that anyone else can understand. Its all about isolation. The creation of government run old folks homes and daycares was part of the process of freeing up more time for work and play. But it deprived us of continuity of family tradition and cohesiveness. We all fell in the trap so that now our kids get indoctrinated and our parents can be exterminated in private. The nightmare has materialized and looks unstoppable. Only a reurn to old fashion values can reverse the damage but that will never happen as long as most people value their jobs, their bank accounts and their houses more than they value friendship and family.
Well said!
Thanks Kewl2. Makes you wonder though why it needs to be so hard for some people. They will not likely get God back in their lives until the day the music stops and they lose everything right down to zero. Nobody will be bragging about their swimwear once they are finally caught swimming naked. I can hardly wait. Bring it on. This country needs more than an enema and a big dose of humility. It needs a rennaissance in the way we think and a rediscovery of the lost moral compass.
Kunsler goes a long way in explaining all of this….
Imagine every revolutionary impulse in society today. Is there any more fundamental upheaval than that between men and women? I’ve really enjoyed this thread. More input from women please.
Clearly, guys are pissed!
As the father of 3 daughters and as a Double Ex Husband I approve of this thread
The Turd says I am a mysoginist…I say he’s a Turd and I’m a realist
Jordon Peterson has done a number of you tube sessions on this subject.
He he sees it as a major problem, causing a fundamental breakdown in western collective societies, with its roots in feminism and now wokeism.
The old civilizations have rejected it, and is what is driving BRICS+.
Absent suburban women there would be no soft left parties. There would be the hard left, which would gain minimal support, and various gradations of the right. Think about it! Without the votes of suburban women our governments would be small, conservative, fiscally responsible and without debt. Our educational philosophy would be much like it was a hundred years ago, and our politics would not be consumed by silly and outrageous issues such as transexual rights, global warming and defending Ukraine Nazis from their comeuppance! You go girl!
Speaking from personal experience alone, I noticed early on that it was women who were the most vocal supporters of the vaccine rollout. Many of them were near rabid in their hostility towards anyone who thought waiting for more evidence or taking a closer look at the facts was warranted. I experienced complete strangers (virtually always a woman) vocally and aggressively attacking anyone who was reluctant to get jabbed and anyone who challenged the media stories about its necessity.
The facts bear this out. Women were far more compliant with the agenda. Reports showed 60% versus 40% of men were initially getting shots and we all saw how much pressure was being applied online. The emasculation of men in our society did not help. Rather than cowering to the demands of so many women to get an experimental drug injected into their arms, men should have taken a larger role in pushing back against what was an obvious attack against themselves and their families.
Unfortunately women have taken over the role of defending the family and for the most part did a very poor job of analyzing the propaganda campaign being directed at all of us. In my view, the campaign to vax would never have achieved is success levels had it been up to men in their traditional role as head of the household to take the lead in the decision making process.
I am not saying that women are not bright enough to come to the right conclusions. But what I am saying is that many of them were more apt to be influenced by what others are doing in their social group and as a result did not see the obvious risks. In a mans world we would have told the government, the vax pushers and the threateners to just go fuck themselves as we carried on with normal life. That has always been our role as men to stand up against external threats.
Women ( and only women ) watch The View
Nuff Said
Sadly the women cheered the vaccine rollout while their husbands went along so not to cause friction. It has always been women who wished me dead. What happened to my body, my choice?
Regarding “American Women are undateable”, I would say that about many of my single male friends. Traditional family values are collapsing. Unfortunately we are living through that period.
My 2 cents is that I first noticed the porcupine trend in the mid 1980s. I was married then and asked my wife, what’s with all the militant masculine lesbian women? I used the term ‘lesbian’ not because they were necessarily lesbian, but because they were openly anti-men. My wife agreed it was coming on like an epidemic. Since that time, in America I’ve experienced far more ‘toxic masculinity’ from women than from men.
As to my interest in dating an American porcupine?! No way!
It is seriously beyond . . . I am still baffled only happy to see fellow male experiencing the same . . . so I know (and knew already): It is not me!!!
But have I got to tell you a story soon. You won’t believe. Will tell, but not here …
Oh come Nightingale — to tease and then not deliver — ties in well with this thread — so out with the goods — we want to hear your story!
Seriously not here!
One reality where traditional roles still apply is dance. That’s ballroom or latin dance where all of it is learned patterns where men lead and women follow. Now in my life I can attest that dance has helped me with relationships. One of my more recent partners, a pretty head strung department head/ boss/ professional, and I had a great deal of difficulty getting along. A lot of dance thrown into the mix and I was less likely to be squabbling with her. It was a very interesting phenomena. On the other hand couples that come new to dance quite often find it difficult to break years of non traditional values while learning dance and they end up arguing often. That being said I do not aspire to making any commitment to a modern western woman, dancer or not. I believe modern woman has every right to push for their independence as in the days of my mother life was pretty shitty. Woman could not vote, drink, or smoke and were essentially chattel property to their husbands. The pendulum has shifted.