Actor Tim Robbins Expresses Regret For His Support Of Covid Authoritarianism
Actor Tim Robbins recently expressed his regret on Russell Brand’s podcast for blindly following government mandates and he admonished tyrannical attitudes that led lockdown supporters to call for the deaths of their political opponents.
As we all said from the very beginning, the covid response was about centralizing power over the population using fear. It was never about saving lives. The US came within a breath of perpetual medical totalitarianism, and much needs to be learned in terms of public psychology as the dust settles on covid.
I’m sure he will also regret the next time he follows, and advocates for, some insane government dictat. He’s a lefty. His ideology demands faith in government, so it’s not a good faith apology. Just another asshole who believes government is good when it enforces his preferred policies. It’s a kind of arrogance that all lefties display, and it reinforces conservative thought. Small government precludes silly left wing thinking from impacting everyone. In a conservative world, if a lefty undertakes a stupid course of action, he only hurts himself.
May I add, he was great in Shawshank Redemption. Stick to what you know!
Sir Strider, You often have very wise comments(not always, but who does) this one above, about lefties and their ideologies, is amongst the best! Both truthful and insightful. Thanks.
LOL DAMN I try to to do repeat posts but I see I missed one here – this video cannot be viewed by too many sheep !
Thanks Kewl2.