Ha…he thinks Elon Musk is an unwitting accomplice in the gaslighting orgy …they let him loose to divide the right and Left Even more while now we have a Big Tech Corporation Banning and canceling the left …which normalizes Banning and cancelling
Interesting take…
I dunno …but I guess we have to question EVERYTHING and everyone…all the time
He also questions Mathis Desment’s Theory of Mass Formation Psychosis
Personally I believe that theory and see it as compatible with a Deep State Agenda….they just used it to their benefit
Anyhow as always…More theories on the theories of theories as we go deeper down the Rabbit Hole
Question everything. We need to look at the big picture and the end game. How we get to the end is important but a huge distraction.
My theory is that the Masters of the Universe for lack of a better term were losing control. Their goal has always been to concentrate wealth and power at the highest level. The elimination of the Gold Standard last century allowed Central Banks to print currency unconstrained by actual reserves. This unlimited currency printing has reached it’s ultimate end. Manipulated interest rates and inflated asset prices are now unsustainable. They knew or ought to have known the ultimate conclusion. Been going on for the better part of the last 50 years or more.
The WEF and all the alphabet NGOs were all working together with the UN to eliminate national borders and sovereignty to allow a one world currency to come to fruition. Of course they would control it.
They needed to get from A to B.
First they dumbed down the population, made sick care a norm, normalized vaccination right down to birth, created micro wars, regime change, etc, etc. The list goes on. The Divide and Conquer method, fear and control has been used in Politics forever to distract the masses from the real agendas that are usually signed into law when we are not looking.
I believe the US is the epicentre as I believe the WEF and the alphabet NGOs sprung from the fertile minds of the Masters for control.
The contentious 2016 and 2020 Presidential elections, BLM, Covid, Woke culture, Ukraine and Climate change have deeply divided the population. They push this relentlessly. We are no longer able to look at the big picture. Distraction.
Is it possible that the Masters no longer care about the Covid Narrative? Throw the perpetrators under the bus as the truth comes out. They don’t care. Even sacrificing “Dr Gates” who I believe has been blackmailed into furthering the vaccine agenda at the risk of losing Microsoft that the Masters likely financed.
While this occurs we fight each other more. The Branch digs in deeper. Is that why Twitter was allowed more free expression?
Their ultimate goal is total control before the wheels come off the bus or we will take them down. The need for a Global Digital ID with CBDC for our “safety and security” will be sold as a way to deliver UBI to equalize and appease the population as the pensions and investments implode. The rest we know. They will shove climate change down our throats to bring on carbon allowances or restrictions to curtail mobility and for punishment. Then it’s game over.
The Masters likely do not care how they take us from A to B or how many useless idiots are sacrificed along the way. It’s the end that justifies the means.
Is Elon being used? All of the mega-Billionaires had some Government support along the way to achieve their wealth. They have sold their souls but can easily be taken down if they do not comply.
Back to Covid. It was likely a test for compliance. Was it on purpose to kill us off? I have no idea. Sure looks like it’s doing a good job. Sure has divided the world right on cue.
Interesting take Columbia
If their goal is total world domination…we have seen that goal many times before from The Romans to the Third Reich and beyond
Always cause immense turmoil for some part of the world but in the end they LOOSE Control
They have already LOST the Global South IMHO….which is 75% of the world..
Their Sanction Gambit backfired spectacularly…if it wern’t so horrible ( Ukrainians) it would be fun to watch