Just kidding but here is JCs take

It sure looks like corporate media is rooting for full-on war with Russia. Yesterday, two Russian-identified missiles landed 50 miles inside Poland’s borders, apparently causing a couple fatalities, and corporate media immediately began cacophonously calling for the U.S. to declare war on Russia for attacking a NATO ally.

For example, CNN ran a story mid-day yesterday headlined, “Poland Considers Invoking NATO Article 4 after Russian-made Missile Hit Village, Killing Two People.” NATO Article 4 would require the U.S. to declare war on Russia in order to defend Poland.

But as the long day wore on, the story started sagging and then basically collapsed. Corporate media hurriedly began backpedaling, backing off their early hot takes, and trying to strategically save face using deceptive journalistic techniques, such as embarrassing ‘transition’ headlines trying to soften the 180-degree shift in the narrative direction WITHIN THE SAME NEWS DAY.

Take this fine example from CNN this morning, which retained the words “Russian-made missile” for consistency with earlier headlines, but this time captured the phrase in skeptical scare quotes:

As it turns out, it’s looking more like it was probably two missiles fired by UKRAINE, not Russia. The same CNN story quoted Joe Biden as saying the missiles probably DIDN’T come from Russia after all. Oops. According to CNN, Joe Biden said preliminary information suggested it was “unlikely” the missiles were fired from Russia, but reassured reporters that the investigation was ongoing, to soften the blow.

Apparently, the whole time, NATO had been tracking the missiles from wherever they were fired. But, citing the ongoing investigation, officials would not say where the launch site was; not yet. For some reason.

One supposes that, if the missiles’ origin was, in fact, Russia, it would ALREADY be headline news.

Polish officials, who aren’t in tune with the subtle nuances of the U.S. media’s Ukraine narrative, jumped the gun yesterday by declared they were 100% sure the missiles were Russian-made, and widely published images of the leftover parts. Whoops. That premature announcement created a wee conundrum for the narrative.

If the Russian missiles didn’t come from Russia, but instead the Russian missiles were launched from Ukraine, that would be weird. It would almost look like Ukraine fired some captured Russian missiles into Poland to create a false flag situation or something. On purpose.

In other words, Ukraine may have deliberately targeted and killed Polish civilians for its own strategic benefit.

If that’s what the facts ultimately show, then we should declare war on UKRAINE, when Poland invokes Article 4. Ukraine isn’t a NATO ally. And I don’t think Ukraine should get a pass for murdering Poles just because it was part of a psyop to make it look like Russia did it, do you?

Of course, if it WAS Ukraine, this story will soon vanish into the memory hole, along with Monkeypox festivals and David DePape’s underwear. Oh wait! It’s already starting.