Double Standard
Given the recent revelation of the trading in stocks and other securities by FED Atlanta Bank President Rafael Bostic, how is this guy not SUSPENDED immediately, pending the investigation that has been announced. They quickly got rid of a number of other regional bank presidents for similiar, if not less a level of infractions. OK, you don’t fire him until the investigation is complete, but if he doesn’t resign, he should at least be suspended, until it is. Is it because he is the only black, regional president? If just about everyone else who had similiar infractions has been purged, shouldn’t he be as well? Don’t give him or anyone else, a pass despite the weak excuse that it was his investment advisors making the trades. He knew what they were buying and selling, even if after the fact, and it went on for years. Plenty of time to inform them he shouldn’t be involved in such securities transactions, given his position.