From the comment section.

The Collapse of the Canadian University and the Rise of “The Church of COVID”

The Church of Fear, Covid or Eternal Pandemic it has many names.

“In this New Church of the Eternal Pandemic, where states of emergency act as the crowning religious festivals on the annual calendar, universities train students in the methods of reproducing the authorized, orthodox theology. Dissidents, in some noteworthy cases, are publicly flogged to send a lesson to others, while boosting the morale of acolytes.”

Writing as a political economist, Professor Fabio Vighi provided a complementary explanation:

Virus, Vaccine and Covid Pass are the Holy Trinity of social engineering. ‘Virus passports’ are meant to train the multitudes in the use of electronic wallets controlling access to public services and personal livelihood. The dispossessed and redundant masses, together with the non-compliant, are the first in line to be disciplined by digitalised poverty management systems directly overseen by monopoly capital. The plan is to tokenise human behaviour and place it on blockchain ledgers run by algorithms. And the spreading of global fear is the perfect ideological stick to herd us toward this outcome”.

From what I  see, the push to take the seasonal Flu shot appears to be front and centre like never before.  I’ve never had a Flu shot but the level of trust and compliance after what we’ve gone through has to be at a new low.

Personally, trust in most institutions that pushed the narrative may never return in my lifetime.   Universities were added to my list when they pushed the shot and deregistered the “others”.    Was this goal planned?   Is there a psychological benefit to having a large mass of the population lose trust in everything?  Will these people be singled out for “special treatment”.   For the committed will this facilitate a shift to the saviour which is the WEF?

The collapse of debt based monetary instruments is close.  Maybe it’s here already but is kept together behind the scenes by words and lies, spit and polish.

All of us will feel the collapse but the big question is who will we look to for guidance to bring us to the other side.  Europe will be the test case and we will know this Winter.

I know who I’m not following.