Traditional Vaccines Now in Question: Dr. Harvey Risch Loses All Trust in the CDC and the FDA
If we’ve learned anything over the last two and a half years, it’s that the CDC and FDA have their allegiance to the pharmaceutical industry, not the American people. And their behavior during COVID made it very obvious.
The skeptic community has largely accepted the COVID shot as being dangerous, ineffective, and completely unnecessary in children. But what about the traditional vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule? Should parents trust the CDC and FDA in regard to those shots?
Not only the CDC and the FDA have lost all trust.
The whole public health establishment from the top down cannot be trusted.
Alopathic medicine itself, and the pharmacists that feed in its pig trough, cannot be trusted either.
I had a one to one conversation two days ago with a pharmacist employed in pharamacy, and he stated to my face that their focus is on profit and earnings, not health.
The pharmacy is stocked floor to ceiling, like a supermarket full of mostly poisons. 90% of food in supermarkets are bad for you. Pharmacies are now no different.
Avoid these places like the plague.
Thank you. Dr. Risch!. The level of harm that our modern day scientific and political establishment has brought to bear on the public is incalculable. It is as though we have been reduced to a pre-civilizational time, where each of us must discern the truth on our own, without the guideposts of the previous experiences of billions of people through time. Trust the science they said. Well, we can no longer trust the science because the science has been deliberately abused to herd us toward predetermined ends. This is base politics, not science, and we are left to question, not only todays science, but all that which came before. As I said the harm is incalculable, and the punishment of those who brought us to this point must be severe.
Excellent article. The comments are priceless. Lots of good resource info there.