From Socialism to Communism: It worked in the Soviet Union why not give it a try in the West
The West is using Lenin’s playbook.
Is it a wonder that it seems outrageous. Keeps getting crazier by the week.
It takes a bit of brainwashing to convince previously free people to move towards communism and serfdom. Most of these useful idiots don’t know that they would likely be eliminated as the power lies at the top. Thank you, we don’t need you anymore.
The political Left so admired in Canadian universities infuriates Jordan Peterson. Why, because in the end it benefits only the tyrannical few while it destroys the livelihood and freedoms everybody else. Under Stalin and Lenin there was only misery, death and starvation – all for the “collective good,” much like what the WEF and globalists have in mind for the rest us today.
We must resist these tyrants with all our strength.
The collective West universities via their professors have been pushing socialism and communism on students for decades. So much so, that it is now institutionalized in virtually all universities. And the graduates take the ideology into the corporations and governments.
If communism does indeed grab a hold and takeoff in the collective West, the first to be executed will be the professors, for the collective good. The book burning and burning down of the libraries will follow.
This is the commie playbook.
So these professors, have worked hard for their own extinction.