The Flu Disappeared in 2020, but Not the Flu Shot – 20,000 Injuries and Deaths from Flu Shot as Children are Passing Out Minutes After Receiving COVID Shot + Flu Shot Together
Using a couple of different search techniques in VAERS to try and find cases where people have already received both a COVID-19 vaccine and a flu shot since this recommendation was made, I found several cases where people apparently took the White House’s and the CDC’s advice (given in September, 2021) and got both vaccines together, and then suffered an adverse event.
I was shocked to find out how many young children have already received these two shots simultaneously and have suffered!
The most common side effects these children who have received BOTH a flu shot and a COVID shot together at the same time are experiencing are dizziness and fainting within minutes of receiving both shots.
Other recorded side effects included myocarditis (heart disease), inflammation of the brain and spinal cord (encephalomyelitis), seizures, convulsions, organ failure, cardiac shock, rashes, vomiting, and hearing and vision loss.
These are a sampling of the multitude of cases I found of children who received BOTH a COVID-19 vaccine and a flu vaccine at the same time. This list is NOT exhaustive, just the ones I could find (54).
I have not found a way to lump all these together into one search result, unfortunately, but I have noted the case number in VAERS in each one to verify these are all from the VAERS Government database, so the CDC and FDA know all about this.
And now you do too.
What kind of idiot parent has their kids get a FLU shot ? let alone a covid shot
Useless bullshit !
Is anyone surprised? Since the drop off in sheeple getting Covid boosters, the PTB are just going to use the sheeple’s continuing stupidity by pushing flu shots(that either contain MRNA with and or instead of what used to be in a flu shot) to continue the death and maiming that has been going on since the jabs were first rolled out.