Germany Believes High Explosive Devices Equivalent To “500 Kilograms Of TNT” Used To Destroy Nord Stream
The previously unknown estimates support the assumption that only a state actor can be behind the action.
The blasts were so large that the Swedish National Seismic Network detected a 1.9 on the Richter scale and another one that registered 2.3…
Guess I’m confused by this. If America did this – as many are speculating – what do they have to gain? Germany is an ally, why hurt them? As far as international finances go, is the pipeline really that big a money maker for Russia??
The Biden administration wants a war with Russia. What that gains for them is of course not a real gain for anyone but themselves who want to use a war to hide their financial disaster and usher in a time of chaos in which they can “Reset” government and society -more emergencies and crises to justify suspending the old ways of doing things. Our loss is their gain.