Wow…this is far more complex than Right vs Left ! Luongo is Italian Descent and seems to be keenly aware of their politics .

This link is from his paid service but it is SO IMPORTANT i am sharing it

Let me know if you all can access it ! There are some charts I can’t pst but i copied the text in the first comment.

As always I would appreciate your take Mamare


Meloni’s rise to power is important. She is the real deal. But remember also that the Italian Swamp is older and deeper than that of D.C. So, there’s a lot to unpack here.

Before I go into the Brussels response to this, I have to put my two cents on the table about Italy and Italians, because many of you simply won’t understand why this election result, while not perfect, is still far more than enough to give Brussels fits.

Italian culture is very mother-centric. It’s incredibly provincial when it comes to inter-generational conflict. I’m not saying we’re unique, but when it comes to ‘honor they mother and father’ Italians take that shit to the next level.

And then some.

And then some.

This is the culture that so reveres their mothers (and not necessarily in a healthy way) that they raised Mary to nearly god-like status. Italian mothers can tend towards narcissism and emotional abuse which they inflict on their boys.

Ask me how I know this