Days After Approving Another $3BN For Ukraine War, US Says No More Money For Free COVID Tests
The CEOs of Moderna and Pfizer have alluded to raising the prices of their vaccines once they are being sold in a “private market situation” rather than to the federal government.
What’s interesting here with this end to “free” covid testing and also with your other posting about the California fast food council is that these are both current policies of the Chinese Communist Party in China. They have long had government representatives sitting on the board of most companies and they recently told the Chinese people that the mandatory covid testing they are required to get will now be paid for out of their own personal medical benefits accounts. It looks to me like the “overlords” are preparing for hyper inflation and the approach of government bankruptcy. Forcing the private sector to fill in for government handouts will buy them a little more time while they think of something to save their failing political systems.