Instead of all the conventional analysis about the likelihood of China invading Taiwan within the next year or two, how about some possible alternatives. Why, given the total failures regarding covid and the economic downturn triggered by but not limited to the Evergrande collapse,  China’s people and Communist Party might decide it is time for a new leader. Instead of more of the same failed policies they may get rid of Xi. I don’t know enough about the CCP and how they would decide to make that change but November is when they have their party conference. This is probably going to be the worst economic period in China’s modern growth era. Why not remove the guy in charge for the last ten years or so and start fresh? If that doesn’t happen and the Chinese people are saddled with him for another term or his wanting to be declared in charge for as long as he is alive, what if something really out there occurs in the next few years? Instead of China attacking Taiwan, what if Taiwan in conjunction with opposition leaders on the mainland lead a force to liberate the Chinese people from their Communist overlords? A longshot indeed, but stranger things have happened in world history. “May you live in interesting times.”