from J C

I know you guys. You are going to think I’m making this up, so here’s a screen-grab of the headline so you can read it for yourself.
Welcome to 2022, when literally ANYTHING is possible. The USDA says it is vaccinating WILD RACCOONS for rabies. Because it is a TRAGEDY how many wild raccoons suffer from the completely preventable disease. How can we, as moral beings, stand by and allow our furry forest friends to suffer, when we have planes, fish flavoring, and cutting-edge oral vaccine technology?

The USDA allowed that domestic animals like cats and dogs might also gobble up the loaded snacks, but don’t worry, the medico-bites are SAFE and EFFECTIVE. They definitely WON’T wind up making it MORE LIKELY your cats and dogs will catch rabies. That would be ridiculous. Why would you even think that?

So. It’s not mind-control powder in the contrails, you silly conspiracy theorists. It’s VACCINES. So just calm down already.