POLL: Pierre Poilievre-Led CPC Would Crush Liberals In Election
I just cast my vote by mail for Pierre for Conservative Party Canada Leader
I urge all Canadian Tenters to become members ( $15) and Vote Vote Vote !
Meanwhile Charest Sucks !
For Americans Charest is the equivalent of Mitch McConnel ( a CINO …Conservative in name only)
My dog would crush the Castreau’s Liberals. Why is there no pressure on the socialist minority party to stop supporting the Castreau government? It’s a slap across the face of the population.
The Chief Communist has a Turd under his Turbine
What makes you think there is no pressure on Dogmeat and his minions to stop supporting The Turd?
Many people are fed up and have been pressuring their MP’s to give up the coalition. Many Sikh communities have jumped ship and have publicly stated that they are abandoning the NDP party and will align with the conservatives. None of this makes a fig of difference to Dogmeat. He does whatever he wants and doesn’t give a shit how many people are angry
Reminder that Singh is a Schwab WEF graduate so teaming up with the Turd would support he great reset and Schwab personally!
single-handedly has destroyed any credibility that the NDP may have had imo!
Fully too late to sign up for the Conservative Leadership vote. Cut off was in June.
One can still sign up as a member though.
OK well make sure to vote if you are signed up…EVERYBODY
Just received my ballot, it will be in the mail “toot suite”.
It’s Pierre all the way. I cast my vote a week ago Friday.