I forgot to add this to the earlier Jeff Childers Brandon Post

Jeff is THE best !!

Another reason not to worry is they said Joe has started taking his Paxlovid. Of course, they had to discontinue his Eliquis prescription, because it is contra-indicated when taking Pfizer’s covid drug. Eliquis is a blood thinner Joe supposedly takes for his afib diagnosis.

White House officials didn’t address the FDA’s warning that “premature discontinuation of any oral anticoagulant, including Eliquis, increases the risk of thrombotic events.” Thrombotic events? In other words: blood clots. Like … well, you know.

Back in 1988, quadruple-jabbed Biden survived TWO brain aneurysms, which can be caused by … blood clots. Eliquis lowers the risk of strokes and clots in people with atrial fibrillation. So it’s kind of important. But all heart meds must be stopped while taking Paxlovid, so. First things first.

Anyway. We pray for a quick recovery and that Mr. Biden does not lose his sense of smell. He so loves smelling things.


Jeff is the best Sarcasticicst On the Planet ..but he added this

President Trump quickly issued a statement about Biden’s covid case. It is a literary masterpiece I might aspire to on one of my best, most sarcastic days: