What a waste of time , energy  and treasure! What does that accomplish? They are already sanctioned and no one is allowed to trade or do business with them(with a few exceptions) So all you accomplish is to piss off the rest of the world like China, India, and the BRICS, because technically they don’t want to cooperate with designated terrorists. What is likely to happen is this will accelerate the full implementation of the Russia/China/BRIC financial transaction/trade system that is an alternative to the dollar based system. So, now that I stop and think for a minute, I hope they pass this and Biden signs it. They can’t get it thru the UN because of Russia being a permanent member with veto power. However if it accelerates the timeline for rolling out their alternative system, it accelerates the end of the Comex/LME price suppression scheme to suppress gold and silver prices. Make my day!                                                                                        https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-senators-meet-ukrainian-president-discuss-designating-russia-state-sponsor