Repeated Covid re-infections are being normalized
Friends and relatives who have had 3 or 4 shots are accepting the line “You will get Covid but you won’t die”. Which is not true for those 9 out 0f 10 Canadians who die of Covid at this time.
Even a retired Doc told GMG that she has Covid again but thought nothing of it. Just flew back from SoCal. All these people have had Covid before multiple times and expect to get it again.
I have two friends with leg fractures who are battling leg clots or complications that are delaying healing. All triple shotted. Who knows? My cousin’s ex-wife has a recurrence of cancer and a metal plate rejection in her femur from a past cancer surgery. Came back with a vengeance.
This is becoming more than a bad dream.
A friend’s partner is a licensed seaplane pilot who had an adverse reaction and suffers from some heart irregularities. Not sure if he will pass his next physical. He’s keeping it quiet as he’s not ready to retire. She has noticed that his health has deteriorated since then. Now that I can fly again, frankly I’m a bit concerned especially if there is no co-pilot.
The increasing “sudden and unexpected” deaths are very disturbing.
Here is a link to an embalmer who has been pulling clots out of arteries. I would like to see more vids from other embalmers before going down the rabbit hole too far but this does raise the brows.
Thats a Lot of anecdotal evidence Columbia
Yes Very Concerning !
Yes, I may have gotten covid 2 times but I am sure glad I got vaxxed as it would have been so much worse….
Like the woman who gets pregnant while using birth control, she is so glad she used it b/c if she didn’t she would have gotten triplets
Just like Geert Vanden Bosche was saying, the vaxxed don’t ever develop immunity and for that reason the virus keeps making the rounds of all of them, all the while it’s slowly mutating into a variant that will eventually stumble across a mutation that will be lethal again. Covid is a disease of the vaxxed now and for now they are a reservoir, a bunch of carriers but that’s temporary according to Geert.