What Happens to Opposition Leaders in Putin’s Russia
“Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has been abruptly transferred from the prison where he is serving an 11-1/2 year sentence to an undisclosed location, nearly two years since he was poisoned with what the West said was a nerve agent, Reuters reported. Navalny, by far Russia’s most prominent opposition leader, casts President Vladimir Putin’s Russia as a dystopian state run by thieves and criminals where wrong is cast as right and judges are in fact representatives of a doomed elite”
You can’t be a libertarian and an authoritarian totalitarian simultaneously. Choose.
Ukraine in the same boat. A Ukraine court has officially banned the country’s main opposition party. It’s true! And yes, that IS exactly the kind of anti-democratic move that western nations have accused Vladimir Putin’s government of engaging in. But when Ukraine does it…
A Plague on both their houses. If the world currency is Tyranny then they are both sides of the same coin. However, this only happened in Ukraine after the Russian invasion. In Russia, it’s been going on for years. Evil breeds more evil.
Yes, seems to be the ongoing plot over there now for hundreds of years. Ain’t no way in hell we can fix it ! Survival mode is the theme for us peeps today. I think the more we know, the more we ‘don’t want to know’as is can drive one to insanity. Many high IQ people commit suicide cuz they know too much and it eats them up.
“The west said…Reuters reported…” Draw your own conclusions.
North…what do you know of this guy Navalny ?
He was safe and sound in exile and returned voluntarily
Must be some kind of idiot for one thing
Also he is BACKED by the Totalitarian West !
Of course we have our own version of it with the 6 Jan political prisoners in DC.