“People don’t understand why such a tiny portion of society has such an outsized voice today. It’s not complicated. They’re more committed to their religion than you are to yours. They’re interested in victory and domination. You’d like to win, but only if you can look polite. All the branches of cultural Marxism have followed the same path. From feminism to ‘civil rights’ to climate change insanity to the LGBTQ stuff. All of them. Starts small. The eunuch Right ‘turns the other cheek’, [and] soon it’s a raging wildfire consuming everything. Worst part of the LGBTQ insanity is its diabolical focus on children. You’re seeing this more and more. Drag shows. Trans teachers. The works. The American communist knows this is his chance to break kids from their parents. You think it’s bad now? If this filth is not purged, and it won’t be, pedophilia will be mainstream within 10-15 years. They’re already sprinkling an article out here and there. It’s coming. … There is no polite, nice way to reverse this now. We will have to get aggressive and do things that make you uncomfortable. It will require state legislation. Firings. Prosecutions. It will require you making financial decisions that are more purposeful.” —Jesse Kelly