Heads or Tails – Which Scenario Is More Likely?
The Pres. and FED Chair are having lunch as I write this. I doubt they got together for a “nothing burger”. Either they are going to claim significant progress on inflation and sound doveish( the two half point increases for June and July will be followed by a definite pause and maybe the balance sheet reduction will be slower than originally laid out. That is door #1 and if that is the one they choose, stocks are likely to take off with gold and silver rocketing higher. Door #2 is more tough talk on fighting inflation and sounding hawkish “as we can’t let up now, we have to stay vigilant”. That should provide the accelerated stock selloff I was looking for coming into today’s session and a further selloff in gold and silver, at least for today. Choose your door and place your bets. This afternoon should be wild!
they are so stupid to understand the oil shortages they have created and supply chain backlog so they will unleash more damage to the system and raise rates is my story.Biden would be told by his cronies to crush the economy. He has no clue.
OR those that are running the US show know exactly what they are doing and are deliberately trying to destroy the US economy in order to implement the globalist agenda.
No one can be this stupid unless the plan was to destroy the nation in the first place!
Imagine the expertise & planning it takes to turn a viable country into a basket case in less than 18 months!!
here is the much anticipated meeting. Only a couple minutes of pathetic blabbering and end with reporters being yelled at to leave. USA is so done.
Looks like “nothing burger” was on the menu and they chose Door #3. They slipped out the back door after accomplishing little to nothing.